Shenandoah County Republican Committee
(Archived Home Page as of November 16, 2023)
The Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC)
Thanks All U.S. Veterans for their Service to America
Thanks All U.S. Veterans for their Service to America
Scenes from the Veterans Day Parade in Strasburg over the Weekend
Congratulations WINNING REPUBLICAN Candidates!
Here are the WINNERS of Shenandoah County's State and Local Elections:
***Republican Party of Virginia Certified Sample Ballots***
with REPUBLICAN Candidates Selected***
***Complete BOTH SIDES of the Ballot When You Vote***
with REPUBLICAN Candidates Selected***
***Complete BOTH SIDES of the Ballot When You Vote***
- RPV Provided District 3 Sample Ballot: Click here to download in PDF format.
- RPV Provided District 2 Sample Ballot: Click here to download in PDF format.
- RPV Provided All Other Districts Sample Ballot: Click here to download in PDF format.
Key Endorsements of Republican Party Candidates
SCRC-Endorsed and Republican Party of Virginia Certified

Sheriff Timothy C. Carter endorses Elizabeth Cooper for Commonwealth Attorney.

Mark Obenshein, State Senate, endorses Elizabeth Cooper for Commonwealth Attorney.

Attorney General Jason Miyares endorses Elizabeth Cooper for Commonwealth Attorney.

SCRC-Endorsed Republican Candidate, Elizabeth Cooper for Commonwealth Attorney, receives Key Endorsement from Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Elizabeth Cooper for Commonwealth Attorney in the News: Bridges, A. (2023, September 28). "Candidates for Shenandoah County's chief prosecutor make their cases." Northern Virginia Daily.

Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears endorses TIMMY FRENCH
for 1st State Senate District of Virginia.

Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) Chairman, Rich Anderson, proudly endorses TIMMY FRENCH
for State Senate, 1st Senate District.

Jason S. Miyares, Attorney General of Virginia, PROUDLY ENDORSES TIMMY FRENCH for the 1st STATE SENATE DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA!

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) endorses TIMMY FRENCH for
Virginia State Senate Seat, District 1.
Virginia State Senate Seat, District 1.
"Secure Your Vote" by voting early and in person prior to Election Day.
Beginning September 22, 2023 until the Saturday immediately before November 7, 2023, you may vote in person at your local registrar's office.
Beginning September 22, 2023 until the Saturday immediately before November 7, 2023, you may vote in person at your local registrar's office.
- In-person early voting at the Office of the General Registrar 600 N. Main Street Suite 103 Woodstock, VA 22664 M-F: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Precincts and Polling Locations
- Where Do I Vote?
If you didn't vote early, SEE YOU AT THE POLLS ON TUESDAY!
If you didn't vote early, SEE YOU AT THE POLLS ON TUESDAY!
State Senate Candidate Timmy French and Commonwealth Attorney Candidate Elizabeth Cooper
and SCRC at the Shenandoah County Republican Committee booth
and SCRC at the Shenandoah County Republican Committee booth
SCRC Staff the Shenandoah County Republican Committee Early Voting Booth -- Rain or SHINE!
Shenandoah County Signs Around Town
Early Voting Begins September 22, 2023. If you are reading this, and have not done so already, come by the Registrar's Office in Woodstock, Virginia, Monday through Friday, and SECURE YOUR VOTE by VOTING EARLY! Details:
To vote early in-person, do the following:
- First day of in-person early voting is Friday, September 22, 2023.
- Deadline to register to vote or update an existing registration: October 16, 2023 (Voters may register after this date, through Election Day, and vote using a provisional ballot).
- Deadline to apply for a ballot to be mailed to you: October 27, 2023. Your request must be received by 5:00 p.m.
- Voter registration offices open for early voting: Saturday, October 28, 2023.
- The last day of in-person early voting: Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
- One item of note concerning voting by mail: HB1948 which took effect on July 1st removes the requirement for a witness signature on mailed in ballots. Instead it now requires those voting by mail to provide the last four digits of their Social Security number on their ballot.
To vote early in-person, do the following:
- You do not have to have a reason or fill out an application to vote early in person.
- At the registrar’s office you must provide your name and address and show an acceptable form of ID.
- Accessible equipment and/or curbside voting is available upon request.
***Republican Party of Virginia Certified Sample Ballots***
with REPUBLICAN Candidates Selected***
***Complete BOTH SIDES of the Ballot When You Vote***
with REPUBLICAN Candidates Selected***
***Complete BOTH SIDES of the Ballot When You Vote***
Official Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) Certified Sample Ballots
- RPV Provided District 3 Sample Ballot: Click here to download in PDF format.
- RPV Provided District 2 Sample Ballot: Click here to download in PDF format.
- RPV Provided All Other Districts Sample Ballot: Click here to download in PDF format.
Sample ballots may be downloaded from the Official Shenandoah County Elections Website:
Scenes from the "Dirty Boots French Fry" for Timmy French, Republican for Virginia State Senate,
Saturday, October 30, 2023
Saturday, October 30, 2023
In attendance were local Shenandoah County Republican candidates in this year's election, including (from left to right) Elizabeth Cooper, Commonwealth Attorney, Karla Orrts, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Missy Hockman, Commissioner of Revenue, Todd Gilbert, House of Delegates, David Ferguson, District 3 Supervisor, Sheriff Tim Carter, Timmy French, Virginia State Senate.
Candidates were joined by Republican Congressman Ben Cline, U.S. House of Representatives.
Virginia Republicans: Secure your Vote and Vote Early!
Candidates were joined by Republican Congressman Ben Cline, U.S. House of Representatives.
Virginia Republicans: Secure your Vote and Vote Early!
Local Republican candidates for Shenandoah County districts, including Timmy French, State Senate,
Elizabeth Cooper, Commonwealth Attorney, David Ferguson, District 3 Supervisor, and Steve Baker, District 2 Supervisor, participated in a series of candidate forums hosted by the Alliance and partners Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce and Farm Bureau of Shenandoah County.
Elizabeth Cooper, Commonwealth Attorney, David Ferguson, District 3 Supervisor, and Steve Baker, District 2 Supervisor, participated in a series of candidate forums hosted by the Alliance and partners Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce and Farm Bureau of Shenandoah County.
Vote Elizabeth Cooper "Cooper for Commonwealth." Early voting begins September 22, 2023.
Elizabeth Cooper speaks to a packed crowd at a fundraiser held at her family farm in Woodstock.
Elizabeth Cooper speaks to a packed crowd at a fundraiser held at her family farm in Woodstock.

- 10/16/2023: "Letter to the Editor: French for Senate" ... by Bill Rogers, New Market. The Northern Virginia Daily (October 16, 2023).
- Northern Virginia Daily Staff. (2023, June 21). "French wins GOP primary for state Senate seat."

Reminder: Visit our SCRC Events Calendar page! Take a look! Here you will find SCRC events and other scheduled activities in the county.
Visit the SCRC Events Calendar page on the SCRC website for details. Check the SCRC Events Calendar page for updates. Visit:
Visit the SCRC Events Calendar page on the SCRC website for details. Check the SCRC Events Calendar page for updates. Visit:

Save the Date: Next SCRC Committee Meeting – October 3, 2023, 6:30 p.m.

August 2023 SCRC Newsletter: Timothy Carter, SCRC Chairman, introduces our slate of local, Republican candidates. Mark Dotson, SCRC Activities Chair talks about the "Grass Roots" of our Shenandoah County Republican Committee and gives information about how you can help at the County Fair. Election Day is November 7, 2023, and there's early voting in-person instructions and statistics from Denise Doyle. There's a save the date (reminder) about the SCRC Mass Meeting on August 15. We also feature our local (Constitutional) candidates for the November 2023 election with complete bios and campaign page links. Also included is a section about the Republican Creed, a refresher about how to submit letters to the editor, and a reminder to check out our events calendar page. Click here to download.
Republican Todd Gilbert - Re-elect House of Delegates
*** Vote November 7, 2023 ***
Early voting starts September 22, 2023
*** Vote November 7, 2023 ***
Early voting starts September 22, 2023
- Speaker of the House of Delegates
- Unwavering limited government conservative
- Working to increase educational success and opportunity, keep our communities safe, and put more of your money back in your pocket
Todd Gilbert
Visit Todd Gilbert's website and Facebook page
Republican Timmy French, for State Senate, District 1
*** Vote November 7, 2023 ***
Early voting starts September 22, 2023
*** Vote November 7, 2023 ***
Early voting starts September 22, 2023
- Common sense conservative
- Supports public schools and public safety
- Supports preserving rural values
- Fiscal conservative
- Vast knowledge of agriculture
- Shenandoah County native
I am honored to have earned the nomination as your Republican candidate, running for the State Senate Seat in District 1. I hope to take our rural values to Richmond and use common sense, in a conservative manner, to help create a smaller, smarter government.
Please vote for me, Republican Timmy French, for State Senate, on November 7th.
Timmy French
Our Local Republican Candidates
*** Vote November 7, 2023 ***
Early voting starts September 22, 2023
*** Vote November 7, 2023 ***
Early voting starts September 22, 2023
Steve Baker (left) and David Ferguson (right) field questions
at the Seven Bends Republican Women's Club candidates forum
at the Seven Bends Republican Women's Club candidates forum
- 16 years' experience
- Supports agricultural enterprise, public safety, and the school system
- Preserving the rural integrity of Shenandoah County
- Receptive to community input and values
Thank you,
Steve Baker
- Proven Leadership
- Fiscal Conservative
- Innovation and Technology
- Community Outreach
During the past twenty years, the staff and I have continued to serve the community in a positive manner. Through my administration, this Office has improved services, technology, school safety, crime scene and investigation abilities, leadership and specialized training, community outreach, and specialized units. It is a privilege to serve as your Sheriff. If re-elected as Sheriff of Shenandoah County, I will continue to listen and do everything I can to respond to the needs of the county.
Thank you.
Tim Carter
David Ferguson - Re-elect District 3 Supervisor
- Integrity
- Experience
- Common sense
During my 12 years serving as your District 3 Supervisor, I remained fiscally conservative, worked hard to remain true to myself, straightforward and honest, and dedicated to the citizens of Shenandoah County. I worked on projects for the betterment of the community to ensure our future generations have resources and tools in place to live a wonderful life. If re-elected as your District 3 Supervisor, I will continue to serve as your faithful servant in a civil and respectful manner.
Thank you,
David Ferguson
- Prosecuting dangerous criminals and keeping them behind bars
- Keeping drugs off the street and away from our children
- Prioritizing victims and survivors of crime
Thank you,
Elizabeth Cooper
- 33 Years Proven Experience
- Shenandoah County native
- Community Focused
- Trusted and Personable
Thank you,
Missy Hockman
- Experience and Proven Leadership
- 26 years' experience in the Clerk's Office
- Shenandoah County native
- Providing quality and efficient service to Shenandoah County
Upon the death of Mr. Grabill, Jr., I was offered a job at the Circuit Court by Denise Barb, the Clerk of the Court at that time. So, twenty-six years ago, I began working in the Clerk’s Office as a Deputy Clerk. One of the best things about working in the Circuit Court was I still had the chance to see and work with people I was already acquainted, and I was already familiar with the Clerk’s Office. I enjoy helping to locate records that are requested on a daily basis, whether they are deeds, marriage licenses or wills. Our records start in 1772, and while some are fragile, they are all public record. It has always been my goal to find you the document you request and have you leave the courthouse with a sense of satisfaction.
Now, on a personal note, I am married to Charlie Ortts and we have a son, Kyle. Charlie has his own business, Ortts Electric, a company started by his father, Bill Ortts. Kyle works for Ortts Electric doing plumbing, electric and HVAC work. Charlie and I have lived in Edinburg since we were married. Prior to that, I resided in Woodstock with my parents, both of whom have passed. I have often been told “you know everyone” but when you have lived in Shenandoah County all your life, worked for the Grabills and your husband has his own business, and you have worked at the courthouse for as many years as I have, it seems as though you come in contact with everyone in some way or another.
There have been significant changes in the last 26 years both in the Clerk’s Office and downtown Woodstock where several buildings are vacant, but the Courthouse at 112 South Main Street is still in use every day. Almost every resident of Shenandoah County has a reason to come to the Circuit Court for one thing or another, whether it be to get a marriage license, record a deed, probate a will, apply for a concealed handgun permit, file a law suit, genealogy research, jury duty, take an oath, pay a fine, or various other reasons.
I have truly enjoyed working in the Clerk’s Office and would appreciate your support on November 7, 2023, to serve as the next Circuit Court Clerk. I believe we can make your stop at the courthouse one that will make you want to visit again.
Karla Ortts, Candidate
Candidate for Circuit Court Clerk
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin explains how to secure YOUR vote in the upcoming election.
Click here to learn more:
Click here to learn more:
Watch the Governor's video:
SCRC Blog 8/25/2023: "Secure Your Vote Virginia" Visit the blog for step-by-step instructions for how to SECURE YOUR VOTE this election!
"Your vote is your voice. And you must make your voice heard in this election if you want to shape Virginia’s future for the better."
"Your vote is your voice. And you must make your voice heard in this election if you want to shape Virginia’s future for the better."
News Release 8/22/2023: "Governor Glenn Youngkin Encourages Virginians to Serve as Officers of Election on National Poll Worker Recruitment Day " Read the News Release!
RICHMOND, VA – Governor Glenn Youngkin is encouraging Virginians to sign up to serve as Officers of Election to ensure accurate and secure elections this November.
Wednesday, August 23rd is designated as National Poll Worker Recruitment Day by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and provides an opportunity to highlight the important work of officers of election inside polling places.
Click here to read the rest of the news release.
Wednesday, August 23rd is designated as National Poll Worker Recruitment Day by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and provides an opportunity to highlight the important work of officers of election inside polling places.
Click here to read the rest of the news release.

Ben Cline "In the News." Visit Congressman Ben Cline's newly updated website to learn more: Subscribe to Ben Cline's YouTube Channel:

Click the image above or click here to download the Parents Bill of Rights Act Fact Sheet in PDF format.

Want to know what's going on in Congress? Congressman Ben Cline gives us answers! Read his latest, bi-weekly newsletter, "Sixth District Perspectives with Congressman Ben Cline."
11/6/2023: In his latest Sixth District Perspectives with Congressman Ben Cline newsletter, Ben writes, "This week, House Republicans continued our work to pass the remaining appropriations bills while reducing spending in areas to pay for the priorities of the American people. Additionally, we made clear that we stand firmly with our ally Israel and its right to defend itself against Hamas terrorists by passing emergency funding for much-needed military assistance. I was also glad to recognize the 50th anniversary of the Garth Newel Music Center on the House floor. Rest assured, I won’t stop fighting to deliver results for the people of Virginia’s Sixth District and secure conservative wins that will ensure freedom, prosperity, and transparency in our Nation."
Click here to read all of the latest Sixth District Perspectives with Congressman Ben Cline newsletter. Click here for more newsletters from Congressman Ben Cline. Subscribe to Ben Cline's YouTube Channel:
11/6/2023: In his latest Sixth District Perspectives with Congressman Ben Cline newsletter, Ben writes, "This week, House Republicans continued our work to pass the remaining appropriations bills while reducing spending in areas to pay for the priorities of the American people. Additionally, we made clear that we stand firmly with our ally Israel and its right to defend itself against Hamas terrorists by passing emergency funding for much-needed military assistance. I was also glad to recognize the 50th anniversary of the Garth Newel Music Center on the House floor. Rest assured, I won’t stop fighting to deliver results for the people of Virginia’s Sixth District and secure conservative wins that will ensure freedom, prosperity, and transparency in our Nation."
Click here to read all of the latest Sixth District Perspectives with Congressman Ben Cline newsletter. Click here for more newsletters from Congressman Ben Cline. Subscribe to Ben Cline's YouTube Channel:

Required Reading: "A Republic if You Can Keep It"
... by James R. Poplar III
Philadelphia, 1787 a woman approached Benjamin Franklin and asked him, “well, Doctor, what do we have, a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin replied sagely, “a Republic if you can keep it.”
Fast forward to the height of the Cold War, political theorist and former FBI employee Cleon Skousen authored “The Naked Communist” which outlined a concerted effort to overcome and control all of the world's governments through the implementation of social progressivism. Although I generally do not subscribe to conspiracy theories, let’s take a look at what the author predicted sixty- five years ago, I think you will be amazed. Read on...

So, exactly what does it mean to be a Republican? What are the Republican party’s core values and beliefs? What do Republicans vote “for” (and not simply “against”) when they cast a ballot, and why should you consider voting Republican in the next election?
Here are six great reasons to vote Republican as outlined in the following article: Why Vote Republican? Six Great Reasons Why You Should Vote Republican in the Next Election! … by Ros Poplar of the Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC) Visit
Here are six great reasons to vote Republican as outlined in the following article: Why Vote Republican? Six Great Reasons Why You Should Vote Republican in the Next Election! … by Ros Poplar of the Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC) Visit
Governor Glenn Youngkin Delivers the State of the Commonwealth
January 11, 2022
Watch on YouTube:
January 11, 2022
Watch on YouTube:

SCRC Blog 8/6/2023: The Best Political Ad of the Season Has Just Been Released. Visit the SCRC blog to keep up with latest videos, ads, and flyers posted by the SCRC.

- 10/16/2023: "Letter to the Editor: French for Senate" ... by Bill Rogers, New Market. The Northern Virginia Daily (October 16, 2023).
- 10/22/2023: "Commentary: The Emperor has no clothes" ... by James R. Poplar III, Northern Virginia Daily (October 20, 2023).
James Poplar begins, "Undoubtedly many can remember "The Emperor Has No Clothes" written by Hans Christian Andersen. The plot is as follows: two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an Emperor who spends lavishly on clothing at the expense of his subjects. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are either stupid or incompetent. The Emperor hires them and go to work. A succession of officials, and then the Emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought of as a fool." Click here to read the rest of James Poplar's commentary. - 10/14/2023: "A lesson from Ronald Reagan on appeasing dictators – “Peace Through Strength." ... by James Poplar, The Bull Elephant (October 14, 2023).
From James Poplar: "It is no accident the Putin’s seizure of Ukraine and the current backing and topcover of Hamas provided by Iran is due to our lack of resolve and timidity as a nation. Red lines have been consistently crossed without consequences. Iran released our hostages minutes only before Reagan took office. Somehow I think if Reagan were in office our hostages would be headed home. Only time will tell …" Click here to read the rest!
- 8/25/2023: "Commentary: A Republic if You Can Keep It" ... by James Poplar, Northern Virginia Daily (August 25, 2023). "If you think what you are seeing take place in America today is by accident and not design please think again." Click here to continue reading. See also: Permanent Link: Commentary: A Republic if You Can Keep It.
- 7/12/2023: "Commentary: We had to destroy the village to save it — redux" ... by Dennis Barlow, The Northern Virginia Daily (July 12, 2023).
Dennis Barlow writes, "So the U.S. has decided to employ cluster munitions in Ukraine. What does that mean? We release a monster-size canister over a large area and it spins out 72 small grenades that deal out indiscriminate carnage over an unspecified area on whoever happens to be the vicinity…if they go off. But 14% will not go off; that means that 10 of the shiny little balls with yellow ribbons are either duds or have not been triggered. They await the next curious child or peasant who comes along to pick them up and suffer the gruesome consequences." Click here to read the rest of his commentary.
- 11/9/2023: Read John Massoud's latest uplifting newsletter, "The Valley Patriot: Making the 6th District Great Again!" titled, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!"
- 7/28/2023: "Commentary: In Support of Timmy French" ... by John Massoud, The Northern Virginia Daily (July 28, 2023).
John Massoud begins his editorial with the following statement, "This letter is a written response to an email from soon-to-be former Delegate Dave LaRock to his supporters. In it, he claims that the June 20 primary election was “stolen” from him by Democrats voting in a Republican primary." To read the rest of John Massoud's op-ed, click here.
- 7/6/2023: "Commentary: Speaking of banning books" ... by John Massoud, the Northern Virginia Daily (July 6, 2023).
John begins, "Earlier this month, there was a commentary done by a Warren County resident who was complaining about how a “small group of people who wish to ban books” from the Samuels Library." Click here to read the rest of John's editorial.
"A Winning Ticket for Our Commonwealth"
The Inauguration of Governor Glenn Youngkin, Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, and Attorney General Jason Miyares was live-streamed across the State of Virginia
Randy and Cathy Gilbert stand with Glenn Youngkin.
United and Strong for a Better Shenandoah County

Click here to subscribe to our newsletter.