2021 Candidates
If you haven't had a chance to watch the victory speeches, please watch them here!!
We had a near clean sweep of all nine candidates, local and statewide.
If you haven't had a chance to watch the victory speeches, please watch them here!!
We had a near clean sweep of all nine candidates, local and statewide.
- January 15 2022: The Inauguration of Governor Glenn Youngkin, Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, and Attorney General Jason Miyares
- "Parade participants announced for Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin’s inauguration day" ... by Justin Geary, WDBJ (January 13, 2022) https://www.wdbj7.com/2022/01/13/parade-participants-announced-governor-elect-glenn-youngkins-inauguration-day/
- "What to Know about Virginia Governor-Elect Younkin's Inauguration: Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin is set to begin his tenure on Saturday during a weekend packed with inauguration events" ... by Sophia Barnes and Associated Press (January 12, 2022) https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/what-to-know-virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-inauguration-2022-schedule/2933629/
- "Virginia Gov.-elect plans 3-day inaugural weekend with some events open to public" ... by Deidra Byrne, WUSA9 (January 8, 2022) https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/virginia/virginia-gov-elect-glenn-youngkin-plans-3-day-inaugural-weekend/65-8b450d7b-1c96-473c-ad08-67b790e330d8
- Governor-Elect Youngkin Emphasizes Togetherness, Virginia Spirit, with Inauguration Theme and Events. Press release: https://www.youngkininauguration.com/news/governor-elect-youngkin-emphasizes-togetherness-virginia-spirit-with-inauguration-theme-and-events
- Governor-Elect Youngkin Transition Website: https://www.youngkintransition.com/

The 2021 Virginia Voter Guide is now available. Virginia voters: Find out which candidates support your values -- statewide! Click here to find out more information!

"Fast Terry" - A short movie about Terry McAuliffe, (the one he doesn't want voters to see). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9ylYYxEj7Y
This movie was produced by Citizens United almost 8 years ago and it's still very relevant!! Terry is the ultimate con artist from New York. Watch the video to learn details of his lies to Virginians or go to www.fastterry.com.
Please forward the above link to everyone you know.
"Fast Terry" - A short movie about Terry McAuliffe, (the one he doesn't want voters to see). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9ylYYxEj7Y
This movie was produced by Citizens United almost 8 years ago and it's still very relevant!! Terry is the ultimate con artist from New York. Watch the video to learn details of his lies to Virginians or go to www.fastterry.com.
Please forward the above link to everyone you know.
2021 GOP Sample Ballots

Read Randy Gilbert's October 4, 2021 letter regarding Republican candidates!
(From Randy:) "To all Republicans, It has come to my attention that emails and texts are being sent out by other groups and candidates claiming to represent the Republicans (GOP) of Shenandoah County. This letter is to clear up confusion and set the record straight on who are the Republican nominees for Supervisor (i.e. those who won the primary). Also which School Board candidates are endorsed by the Shenandoah County Republican Committee (as voted on at the July 15, 2021 meeting).
"These are our Republican candidates for local offices:
- Joshua Stephens, District 1 nominee for Supervisor
- Dennis Barlow, District 1 endorsed candidate for School Board
- Wade Guinn, District 4 nominee for Supervisor
- Kyle Gutshall, District 4 endorsed candidate for School Board
- Dennis Morris, District 5 nominee for Supervisor
Click here to read more!
2021 Candidates
Voter Information
2021 Republican Candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor and
Attorney General
"A Winning Ticket for Our Commonwealth"
Click the thumbnails to watch the videos of each candidate (some of them are special interviews in which the candidates talk about our most pressing issues).
Also, click each candidate's name to be taken to their website, where you can learn more about them or donate to their campaign.
Also, click each candidate's name to be taken to their website, where you can learn more about them or donate to their campaign.
Click here to download and print the GOP candidate and Governor side-by-side comparison tri-fold brochure (above).
Governor: Glenn Youngkin
Glenn Youngkin
Lt. Governor: Winsome Sears
Winsome Sears
Attorney General: Jason Miyares
Jason Miyares
House of Delegates Election
- C. Todd Gilbert is our Republican Nominee for District 15, which covers all of Shenandoah and Page counties and parts of Rockingham and Warren Counties.
Local Elections
(Shenandoah County)
Shenandoah County Board of Supervisors
- Josh Stephens is our Republican nominee and candidate for the District 1 Supervisor in the General Election this November. Urgent: Read "Rebuttal to Hap" which refutes information published about candidate Josh Stephens in the Shenandoah County Fair program catalog this year.
- Wade Guinn is our Republican nominee and candidate for District 4 Supervisor in the General Election this November
- Dennis Morris is our Republican nominee and candidate for District 5 Supervisor in the General Election this November.
District 4 Supervisor Candidate: Wade Guinn
Wade Guinn is now running for 4th District Supervisor as a Republican and his name will be on the 2021 ballot. He says that he intends to preserve the strong patriotic values of our county through integrity, transparency, and accountability and to be the voice that will put decisions back in the voter’s hands, not the politicians. Wade believes his years of using common sense and big picture thinking proves he is the right voice that Shenandoah county needs in order to solve problems and to make decisions that are good for everyone. He wants to increase economic benefits of tourism to assist the local businesses without losing our community’s charm or our area farms. He wants to bring back a fair, reasonable, and conservative voice that will uphold our sacred rights and protect our families. Wade’s goal is to make our community and our county a perfect place to live, work & retire.
Click here to read more.
Click here to read more.
School Board Candidates
This year the SCRC voted to endorse certain candidates:
- Dennis Barlow is the endorsed candidate for District 1.
- Kyle Gutshall is the endorsed candidate for District 4.
District 1 School Board Candidate: Dennis Barlow
Dennis Barlow presents at the School Board meeting of Thursday, September 9th, 2021
Dennis Barlow is retired and plans to devote his fulltime attention to being the best voice for teachers, parents, students – and taxpayers - as he addresses the tough educational issues and problems facing our school system.
Click here to read more.
Click here to read more.
District 4 School Board Candidate: Kyle Gutshall
Kyle Gutshall was born and raised in Shenandoah County, and attended Central High School in Woodstock before graduating in 2020. Prior to graduating from Central, Kyle was invited to attend the Boys State Convention at Radford University and learned many skills that he plans on utilizing if elected to the School Board. Kyle has been a member of the Republican Committee since the day he turned 18. He has also been heavily involved with volunteering for the Woodstock Rotary Club and has learned what it means to put "Service Above Self." Kyle regularly attends church services at Emmanuel Lutheran Church where he has been a member for many years. Kyle currently attends Lord Fairfax Community College in Middletown, VA where he is pursuing a major in Business.
United and Strong for a Better Shenandoah County