Why Vote Republican?
Six Great Reasons Why You Should Vote Republican in the Next Election!
… by Ros Poplar of the Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC)
By casting a ballot, new and long-time registered voters actively engage in the election of our political leaders. Registering to vote gives individuals the right to help determine who their local, state, and federal representatives will be, and by voting, they exercise that right.
How you, a registered voter, choose to vote in an election is extremely important to you, the members of your family, your community, your state, and your country. Those who win elections to public office have influence over your quality of life, your health, your home, your safety, what goes on in the public schools, the futures of your children and grandchildren, your ability to prosper, and exercise the rights you have as an American citizen, which are embodied in the Constitution of the United States of America.
You want to make a reasonably informed decision about who you are going to vote for in the next election. After having directly experienced the miserable track record of the current Democrat-led Administration, and the negative impact of its policies, like many others have done, you may have already decided to vote Republican in the next election.
How you, a registered voter, choose to vote in an election is extremely important to you, the members of your family, your community, your state, and your country. Those who win elections to public office have influence over your quality of life, your health, your home, your safety, what goes on in the public schools, the futures of your children and grandchildren, your ability to prosper, and exercise the rights you have as an American citizen, which are embodied in the Constitution of the United States of America.
You want to make a reasonably informed decision about who you are going to vote for in the next election. After having directly experienced the miserable track record of the current Democrat-led Administration, and the negative impact of its policies, like many others have done, you may have already decided to vote Republican in the next election.
A long-time Democrat voter who switched to the Republican party in his home state of Virginia, offers his perspectives:
"Like many “boomers” I was raised by parents of the Greatest Generation who earned their way by hard work, determination, and perseverance. Both were the first in their families to graduate from college, and their strong work ethic served them well throughout their careers as an attorney and a public-school teacher. Both were proud members of the Democratic Party, and politics was always a topic of family discussion in our home.
"My father was a prolific and creative writer and I treasure several of his satirical poems (criticizing Richard Nixon) that were published in Time magazine. I had the pleasure of meeting prominent Maryland Democrats such as United States Senator Joe Tydings, Maryland Comptroller Lois L. Goldstein among others. As a child, I was inspired by their keen intellect, high moral principles, and thought that I would always be a loyal member of the Democrat Party.
"Like my parents, I identified as a Democrat and was inspired by the speeches of John Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King – his “I Have a Dream” speech sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it. I idolized these men and other Democrats of that era who formed the moral fiber and values of a young man coming of age. The Democratic Party at local, state, and national level was one of free speech, inclusivity, reasonable compromise, and strong moral principles.
But fast-forward 50 years and America stands on yet another precipice. Today’s Democratic Party endorses and encourages election fraud, civil anarchy, identity politics – all the very antithesis of the Democrat party of my youth.
"Here’s what I see happening:
- The disenfranchised party faithful – formerly of the party’s splintered “base” – know that ANTIFA is not a “myth,” nor were the riots after the death of George Floyd “peaceful protests.”
- Democratic mayors have ruled our largest American cities for over 50 years, as murder and crime rates soar, and productive residents move out.
- Democrats frequently talk the talk but seldom walk the walk. Just look at our southern border. The basic purpose of government is to provide for the safety and welfare of its people, yet Democrats openly embrace and encourage open borders putting our very existence as a nation at risk,
- The Democrat party that once led America to greatness – defeating Nazi Germany and planting our flag on the moon – is now an empty shell whose only function is telling all Americans that they are perpetual victims who need the party to instruct them in how they must live and what they must accept or refuse.
- As a member of the United States military, I experienced bare-bone defense budgets first-hand and witnessed their devastating effects not only on our military readiness but on out standing on the world stage. It was not by accident the Ayatollah released our Iranian Hostages only minutes before one of our greatest Republican Presidents Ronald Regan was sworn into office.
- As Ronald Reagan said, “I did not leave the Democratic Party, it left me.” Well at this point in my political life the Democrat Party left me as well and I have never looked back."
So, exactly what does it mean to be a Republican? What are the Republican party’s core values and beliefs? What do Republicans vote “for” (and not simply “against”) when they cast a ballot, and why should you consider voting Republican in the next election?
Here are the six great reasons to vote Republican which are based upon the “Virginia Republican Creed” which Republicans strive to live by:
Here are the six great reasons to vote Republican which are based upon the “Virginia Republican Creed” which Republicans strive to live by:
The Republican Creed states:
- That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice,
- That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society,
- That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government,
- That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations,
- That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense,
- That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.
Yes, but what do these words mean to you, the voter? How does the “Republican Creed” help you make an informed decision to vote Republican in the next election? Here’s a point-by-point explanation:
Reason 1: “The free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice.”
- Republicans believe that our free enterprise system or capitalism created by our Founding Fathers is indeed the envy of the world.
- Progressives and Democrats would like to tear down America and in order remake into some pie in the sky utopia – we can never let this happen to our proud nation.
- Socialism as a form of government has never worked and has left devastated the millions of innocent men, women, and children it has crushed in its path as family budgets are squeezed past the breaking point and shelves are laid bare of vital necessities.
- To have visited the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the 1970s is to have seen first-hand the results of the failure of a socialist state.
- As Chairman Mao stated, “Better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.” These were not idle words China’s cruel reality during the Great Revolution. Really, is this what we want to our children and grandchildren?
- What prompted me to become a political activist was hearing from my own nieces and nephews several years ago how socialism would be the panacea for this nation’s problems.
- We must fight for the freedom-loving foundation that was laid for us, it’s up to us to not to be passive and sit back watch because we do not want to a offend or get involved.
- As Ronald Regan stated “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
- Yet there are members of the Democrat Party who want to take our country in the direction of socialism. Is this the legacy you want for your children or your grandchildren?
Reason 2: That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.
- Republicans truly believe that all men and women are created equal. As Republicans we believe that America is by no means perfect, but all should be afforded an equal playing field. Having an equal playing field (as opposed to “equity”) is key to personal success.
- Consider the experience of two of our Shenandoah County Republican Committee members whose blended family includes three bi-racial children, and another two who were products of a single parent home. Here’s their point of view:
- The children they raised, who are now adults, are at the top of their professions -- despite overcoming major obstacles to include income disparity and racial discrimination.
- The success of their children, as they see it, may be attributed to hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take responsibility for their own actions; none expected or were given a handout nor preferential treatment.
- “Equity” was never a factor in their success.
- Democrats and Independents who push for “equity” as a poor substitute for hard work and its rewards aren’t merely unpopular; they cheat themselves and they cheat you by doing so, and worse, they challenge America’s bedrock principle that all people should be treated equally and judged as individuals, not as members of special interest groups.
- As the Reverend Martin Luther King stated, “Judge a man or women by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” Republicans believe this should be the golden rule of how we treat humanity.
Reason 3: That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government.
- Republicans believe that the only way to ensure the security of both the United States and your own family’s security is to ensure that government at all levels spends your hard-earned money wisely and that excessive spending and continual government handouts not only undermine self-sufficiency but will ultimately lead to the collapse of our economy and way of life.
- We are now seeing the negative impacts of massive government corporate and individual handouts which will ultimately degrade our quality of life and bankrupt our economy.
- A nation that literally gives away trillions of dollars is doomed to failure.
- Republicans support a hand up not a handout.
Reason 4: That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations.
- When our Founding Fathers broke with the old-world, America truly was an experiment and history has shown that such experiments were tried on few occasions but previously failed. As George Washington stated, “The establishment of our new government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness.”
- In creating this new construct of government our Founding Fathers determined that government is not an entity that solves the people’s problems but rather they envisioned government as a system engineering machine enabling the people to solve their own problems.
- Thus, by design the machine was balanced on three main axes: Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and a Limited Government
- This machine which is embodied in the United States Constitution marked the beginning of the end of the concept of the “divine right of kings.”
- In place of the absolutism of old-world monarchies the freedoms enshrined in this document created a land of opportunity and a new beginning for many who now call themselves Americans.
- Having the people and not the government at the core of governance made America, the Great Experiment, truly exceptional but also uniquely vulnerable.
- How can an American truly be free if previous social constructs such as religion, race, cultural tradition, and ethnic roots were to continue to define a person’s identity?
- Given these challenges a new construct of society was born, that of a civil society where citizens were free to create a new sense of community and assume the responsibility to labor together and to solve their problems regardless of their diverse backgrounds.
Reason 5: That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense.
- We have seen the results of two global World Wars and countless other conflicts stemming from the fact that when a nation is weak, or perceived as being weak, stronger nations will take advantage of the situation.
- Tyrants move to fill a power vacuum and only respect brute force. Like the bully on the bock despots only respond to military power, either its direction application or its use as a deterrent.
- Unfortunately, our nation has squandered the lives of many young men and women in countless conflicts around the world because through benign neglect of our Armed Forces.
- We as a Nation have witnessed firsthand the disastrous results of the misplaced priorities of Democrat-led Administrations where instead of emphasis on combat readiness and our ability to defeat our nation’s enemies, there is more concern with gender pronouns, diversity, and inclusion. How do these initiatives aid our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who are in harm’s way? Simply put, they do not.
- Former Secretary Robert Gates said of President Biden, “I have not seen him make a correct policy decision in over 47 years of government service.”
- Our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and Putin’s subsequent invasion of Ukraine due to our perceived weakness only vindicates what happens when Democrats are in power.
Reason 6: That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.
- Numerous examples of the Founders’ belief in Providence serving as the very foundation for this nation can be found in their writings and the seminal documents upon which this nation is based – the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to name a few.
- Those that tell you that God was not the basis for the founding of this nation are simply incorrect and often point to the Constitution which states in the first Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” but NOT (as alleged by a few) that there is a separation of church and state! Amendment 1 of the Constitution offers no such language!
- For Republicans, belief in God or a supreme being serves as the moral compass that guides our political party and our actions. We are a big tent and are all inclusive.
- However, we believe that our moral compass is now askew and that we have moved away from some of the fundamental moral principles that have shaped this nation.
- Fundamental biblical principles as the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ appear to no longer exist in today’s fast paced world where social media and instant gratification prevail over a civil discourse and the need for compassion.
Here’s an exercise: Consider the six great reasons for voting Republican outlined in the preceding paragraphs, and the Republican Creed as explained, then take a hard look at what you believe in, the principles that guide your life, and the political party that you support. You may find, on inspection, that the fundamental ideals, beliefs, and principles that form the basis of the Republican Creed, and the six great reasons for voting Republican, are surprisingly close to your own!
Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, give the Republican Party a hard look. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that while we, as Republican voters, are made-up of individuals from diverse backgrounds, races, religions, and beliefs, we are at once united in our love of country and desire to move this great nation forward.
July 4th, 2026 will mark the 250th anniversary of our great Republic (our “semiquincentennial,” if you’re counting). America has endured internal contention, foreign conflicts, and a horrific Civil War. In spite of these challenges, we remain a nation that – though not without its flaws – inspires millions of immigrants to shake off oppression and travel to our shores to seek a better life. Unfortunately, one has only to witness the dramatic flow of illegal migrants coming across our porous southern border as vindication that we as Americans still provide a beacon of hope to those who are poor and oppressed.
July 4th, 2026 will mark the 250th anniversary of our great Republic (our “semiquincentennial,” if you’re counting). America has endured internal contention, foreign conflicts, and a horrific Civil War. In spite of these challenges, we remain a nation that – though not without its flaws – inspires millions of immigrants to shake off oppression and travel to our shores to seek a better life. Unfortunately, one has only to witness the dramatic flow of illegal migrants coming across our porous southern border as vindication that we as Americans still provide a beacon of hope to those who are poor and oppressed.
One final thought: The Republican Party (and not the Democrat party) is the political party that has been responsible for our unparalleled growth and will therefore continue to be the political party of choice.
Learn more about the Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC)! Visit https://shenandoahrepublican.com
Learn more about the Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC)! Visit https://shenandoahrepublican.com
Copyright Shenandoah County Republican Committee (SCRC) 2023
United and Strong for a Better Shenandoah County